Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution-1763-1776.

Buy Cheap The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution-1763-1776.

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A reprint of the 1968 Oxford University Press edition.

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 "The Real Revolution Explained" 2003-07-17
By G. F Gori (Manteca, ca United States)
Merrill Jensen's monumental work "The Founding of a Nation 1763-1776" is incredible and detailed history of the real American Revolution. What I mean by that is, not the military campaigns or generals, but the events and people that made the revolution possible.

The work starts with America after the Seven Years War with France. Jensen shows how colonial opposition to British measures enacted by Parliament caused a "constitutional crisis" and a defense of what were tradiational "English liberties". Jensen provides the motivations for the revolutionaries both conservative and radical. Conservatives wished for reconciliation right up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and were led by able and well educated men. Dickenson, De Lancy, Governeuor Morris, Robert Morris, James Wilson, and others strove to stay within the Empire to protect their aristocracy from the "rabble". Samuel Chase, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Dr. Thomas Young, Issac Sears, and other radicals opposed English tyranny and brought the "people" to the forefront of the crisis.

Jensen deliniates the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Coercive Acts, Massachuetts Government Act, Tea Act, Declatory Act, and other English laws that violated the rights of the colonists and were the beginnings of a more centralized English authority in America. Jensen also provides a tremendous story of the the battles between the colonial governments, loyalists and the revolutionaries. He also aptly explains the battles between the radicals and conservative patriots in the colonies and the struggle for a more democratic America. overall a brilliant and comprehensive work of the the first magnitude. A great purchase for the layman interseted in this great Revolution.

Buy The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution-1763-1776. Now


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