Sunday, January 24, 2010

The American Nation

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This volume is a comprehensive political history of the American nation which integrates social, economic and cultural developments in a single treatment. This edition has been updated to include Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, the 1996 election and the 1995 budget crisis.

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Customer Buzz
 "American Nation" 2007-09-23
By Angelina C. Rushton
It came very soon after I had ordered it and it was in the exact condition that I payed for. Thank you!!

Customer Buzz
 "Poor" 2004-09-14
By Po Yin Su
This book is filled with too much details and words. It takes too much effort to just read and understand the details in each chapters. It is boring to read and the only good thing about it is that it comes with alot of datas in the American history. If you are a History major, don't miss it.

Customer Buzz
 "Worst History Book in a long time" 2003-09-21
Even as a lover of history, I find this book boring, overwritten and incable of reliable use. When looking up a term, not only can it not be found by reading the chapter, but the index points you to the wrong page! This book is a waste of money and I suggest that you do not purchase it.

Customer Buzz
 "A Fabulous Guide to American History in Class and Beyond" 2001-01-09
By Celestine Van Gauer (New York)
This text is absolutely unsurpassed in terms of clarity, conciseness and general usefulness. I first used Garraty's book in 8th grade, then again as a supplement to some other texts in a U.S. A.P. class in high school (I got a 5 on the test, which I am confident is owed entirely to Garraty) and still use it for general reference in college. In a little over 1000 pages, Garraty covers just about every major event in United States history in interesting and extremely clear prose. I have yet to find any book that communicates such an enormous amount of information in such a small amount of space with such an enormous degree of clarity. I promise that this book will not only improve your understanding of U.S. history, but will also serve as a lifelong reference source.

Customer Buzz
 "Our "Bible" in AP History" 2000-07-08
Garraty's book The American Nation was informative and interesting. It provided information needed to help the student's in my AP History class. Granted, it was not perfect and was confusing at times, but all in all, it provided a good, detailed description of our history. Here are the pros and cons of Garraty's book. PROS: 1). Garraty is knowledgeable in his assessment of history 2). The book is very helpful with its timelines at the end of each chapter 3). Garraty explains the gist of every major event and sometimes non-major event 4). It's the only book where our class actually worshipped :) 5). IT WILL BE HELPFUL FOR AP HISTORY AND THE NATIONAL EXAM. I (personally) felt confident with the outcome of my exam, but that could also be due in part to my teacher who really complemented with Garraty. 6). It could be a GREAT paperweight! CONS: 1). It's not a good book to keep in your backpack all day long 2). Sometimes Garraty likes to force his opinions on certain historical figures ( he likes Hamilton, but not Jefferson) 3). There ARE events he doesn't cover that many might think was important or he might undercover events that many might think was important.

That's about it for the pros and cons, but remember these are just my opinions! Hope they helped! Good luck in AP History or whatever you're doing in regards to this book!!

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